Wallace is untouchable, He leads Gösser Open with 5 shots
England’s Matt Wallace seems to be untouchable on Alps Tour this season. He signed for best score of the day during first in Gösser Open, 66 and then, when the game resumed this morning to complete second round, he holed birdies to record a 64 eight under par card for -14 total and a five shot advantage over France’s Raphaël Marguery and Austria’s Robin Goger.
During second round, game was suspended at noon for more than 2 hours. Thunderstoms were on Maria Lankowitz area. When it was suspended for the second time at sunset, more than thirty players were still on course and went back at 7:00 am this morning. The cut felt at -2. Big name was on the wrong side of the line. Franck Daux, second at order of merit, back to back winner in Egypt missed the cut as third at Alps Tour ranking, Itlay’s Enrico Di Nitto. Antoine Schwartz did not play in Austria this week so the ranking with change a lot on Sunday afternoon.