24th May 2018 | Alps Tour Golf

Beaucousin sole leader of Gösser Open

Round 1 of the Gösser Open saw Teremoana Beaucousin (FRA) take the lead of the tournament at -7, 2 shots ahead of a group of 5 players, at the GC Erzherzog Johann in Maria Lankowitz, Austria.
«  I started with 2 birdies on the first 2 holes, then I made par up to hole 7 where I made another birdie, I made a birdie on 12 and an eagle on 13 to finish with a final birdie on 16 » Beaucousin explained.
«  I feel good, I’ve been playing better in the last couple of months, I got some good practice in Morocco this winter and I’m ready » he added.
The 143 rising golf stars enrolled in the tournament faced difficult weather conditions with rain showers hitting the course throughout most of the day.
«  It was very rainy » Beaucousin said. «  The pins were not that easy and there was a lot of spin on the ball so it was kind of hard to keep the ball near the hole » he added.
Beaucousin, 23, is from Tahiti, French Polynesia. He arrived in mainland France 8 months ago after spending 4 years on a scholarship studying and playing golf at Kennesaw State near Atlanta, Georgia (USA). The Gösser Open is his second tournament of the Alps Tour.
This year marks the 26th edition of the Gösser Open, the oldest tournament on the Alps Tour circuit.
The Gösser Open continues tomorrow with round 2. First tee time is at 7h30 local time.
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