French duo Roussel and Foret to lead in Guadaloupe
French duo with Julien Foret, 34 and Robin Roussel, 23, took a two shot lead over a group of 4 players, Netherlands Rowin Caron, Italy’s Alessandro Grammatica, and Franc’es Thomas Elissalde and Erwan Vieilledent. The leading Frenchmen signed for 66 card, -5 on the course of Saint François Guadeloupe.
Roussel, who played his rookie season in 2016 on the Challenge Tour, said his goals are yet to be achieved.
« I am happy about this round. The season 2016 was not that bad on Challenge Tour, it was my first year and the average level was a little better there. I have been working quite well with Renaud Gris this winter and I started well in 2017. I refocused on mu assets, wedging, chipping and putting and it works so far. »
Julien Foret, former European Tour, explained how he enjoyed playing early in the morning as the wind was quite.
« A really great day as you can see the score is nice. I teed up early this morning so I took advantage of great conditions, during the first holes we did not have any wind so it helped. Then the wind started to blow quite strongly but I managed to roll important putts to stay in the pace. »
The projected cut is +2 after round 1.